Acupuncture originated in China about 5000 years ago, Acupuncture is the oldest continuously practiced medical system in the world. It is used by by nearly one-third of the world as a primary health care system and many more as an adjunctive therapy. The fundamentals principles of acupuncture are to treat the person as an integrated whole in body, mind and spirit, and to remedy the root cause of illness and disease, not only the symptoms.
Although well known for pain relief, acupuncture is effective for a wide variety of problems. It has been endorsed by the World Health Organisation of the United Nation which has declared acupuncture an effective treatment for the following conditions :
Acupuncture and Infertility
On its own, acupuncture can be seen as an alternative way of treating fertility problems. It is also often seen as a complementary therapy to modern fertility treatments.
When used alone, though, acupuncture is probably most effective for those couples who are experiencing a functional problem, like irregular ovulation, rather than a structural problem, like a blockage in the sperm ducts. Some practitioners will also recommend Chinese herbs for infertility that will supplement the acupuncture and any other treatment you may be receiving. If you take herbs while receiving other medical treatments, be sure to tell your doctor. Some herbs can interfere with the function of fertility drugs and procedures.
Stop Smoking
Acupuncture works in erasing the desire and the need to smoke. It has become a method of choice to stop smoking. With a success rate between 85 and 90 per cent in reducing the physical and emotional craving, acupuncture is the easiest and most comfortable way to rid oneself of the smoking addiction.
Very few withdrawal symptoms are experienced because the acupuncture treatment counteracts the effects of nicotine withdrawal. The patient feels a sense of calm and tranquility after the treatment, and this feeling lasts between treatments. There is no sense of the need to increase one's appetite while being treated by acupuncture.
Facial Acupuncture
Facial enhancement acupuncture is a very effective, non surgical treatment to reduce the signs of aging. The treatment is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine which involves the insertion of very small and very thin disposable needles into acupuncture points of the face. The needles are only inserted superficially and on insertion of the needles there will be an increase of blood and Qi circulation to the local area and also collagen production is stimulated. This collagen will help to fill out lines and reduce wrinkles giving firmness to the skin and producing a healthy glowing complexion.
Acupuncture and its related theory have been used for thousands of years to treat many conditions and illnesses. Cosmetic Acupuncture has attracted great attention in the last few years as many of the top Hollywood stars have chosen this treatment to help them combat the aging process.
Reiki is the Japanese word for universal life force energy and is the name of a healing therapy which maximizes the benefit from this universal energy. Reiki was founded in the 1800’s in Japan by Mikao Usui, a Buddhist who dedicated his life to the study of hands-on healing methods. Reiki is not a religion, as it holds no creed or doctrine. It is not a belief system, therefore, no mental preparation or direction is needed to receive a treatment, only a desire to receive and accept the energy. Having a Reiki treatment does not involve massage. Since Reiki requires no specific setting or preparation, it can be utilized in all hospital environments, including outpatient clinics, emergency rooms, intensive-care units, operating rooms
Holistic Massage
One of the first questions I get asked about holistic massage is "What does holistic mean?" Holistic means 'whole' (it has Greek roots for those interested in the Etymology!). So this form of massage deals with you as a 'whole'. Like other therapies, it is not just looking to treat the symptoms, but to establish the cause, whether it be internal or external. The aim is to re balance the body so it achieves homeostasis or balance. The training for the therapist is quite extensive, as it not only covers massage, but also anatomy and physiology, nutrition and general health.