Facial enhancement acupuncture is a very effective, non surgical treatment to reduce the signs of aging. The treatment is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine which involves the insertion of very small and very thin disposable needles into acupuncture points of the face. The needles are only inserted superficially and on insertion of the needles there will be an increase of blood and Qi circulation to the local area and also collagen production is stimulated. This collagen will help to fill out lines and reduce wrinkles giving firmness to the skin and producing a healthy glowing complexion.

Acupuncture and its related theory have been used for thousands of years to treat many conditions and illnesses. Cosmetic Acupuncture has attracted great attention in the last few years as many of the top Hollywood stars have chosen this treatment to help them combat the aging process.

In a report from the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture (1996) it was reported that among 300 cases treated with Cosmetic Acupuncture, 90% had remarkable effects with just one course of treatment. The positive effects included: The skin became more delicate, improved elasticity in the facial muscles, healthier complexion, reduced lines and wrinkles and an overall rejuvenation of the facial area.

What are the benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture?

Cosmetic acupuncture may take 5 to 10 years off your face. It helps to eliminate fine lines and makes the deeper lines look softer. It also helps to minimize dark circles, puffy eyes, double chin, sagging skin and drooping eyelids. Other benefits include:

  • Relaxes muscle tone. 
  • It increases circulation therefore it oxygenates the skin. 
  • Increases collagen production. 
  • Tightens the pores and brightens the eyes. 
  • Keeps acne skin under control. 
  • Nourishes the skin giving you a healthy complexion with a natural glow. 
  • Moisturises the skin from the inside and gives rosy cheeks to people with dull, tired looking skin.

Who would benefit from Cosmetic Acupuncture?

Anyone who wants to delay the process of aging and wants to look younger.

Can I do Cosmetic acupuncture if I had Botox?

Yes…. Cosmetic Acupuncture will help to maintain the effectiveness of botox and it may save you a couple of injections per year.

What is a course of treatments?

The course of treatments varies between 12 to 15 sessions. This will be done from 1 to 3 times per week for best results. The closer the treatments are together in the early stages of treatment the better. Each individual will react differently to the treatment depending on their age and lifestyle. Most people will see results after about 7 sessions.

Following the course of treatment top up maintenance treatments every couple of months is advisable. Maintenance treatment consists of maybe one or two sessions every 3 to 4 months.